Breaking up the monotony of Monday with some Film Photography fun…
I received an e-mail letter from Ireland’s own Ryan Leathem. Ryan was the winner of the Minolta X-700, which I gave away on the Spring Film Photography Podcast.

It's Ryan from Ireland here!
I received the Minolta X-700 a good few weeks ago and I'm soooooo sorry it has taken me so long to write you an e-mail to say thanks! I have started a new job recently and moved into a new house so life has been busy!
I have already started shooting with the Minolta and I looooooove the shutter sound it makes, it's a joy to take a photo and hear that shutter go.
I have been shooting photos for about six months now and have pretty much learnt everything I know from listening to your podcast. I have started developing my own black and white 35mm and 120mm film and can't believe how cheap and easy it is! I then made the step to colour and bought a Tetenal C-41 kit and was a little scared of all of chemicals that come with the kit, but once you make the solutions up in to the bottles it's not so bad. In fact C-41 is real easy because no matter what ASA your film is the development times will be the same, (and dev times are fast).
Thanks for all of the film you sent me, it's really been fueling my photography and I really appreciate it!
Thanks again and keep the podcasts coming! I haven't missed one yet!”
I’m so happy Ryan received the camera and film and thrilled that he’s putting it to good use. Keep on shootin!
Seeking a wider variety of cameras to giveaway on the pod cast, I reached out to Freestyle Photographic Supply to see if I could coax them into donating a Holga. Well, looks like the previously announced Holga giveaway will be a reality.

Regarding your request, Freestyle Photographic will be happy to donate a Holga TLR ( ) to your podcast.
Thanks for your continued promotion of film photography. We all have to be in this together.” - Lauren, Freestyle Photographic
Keep your ears on the FPP for the upcoming Holga Giveaway.

It’s been rumored that Fuji Instax Mini film will fit in the new Polaroid 300 Instant Camera. I happened to be on the Japan Exposures site and noticed that they offered “Hello Kitty” Fuji Instax Mini film. I couldn’t resist and instantly ordered some.
The delivery was lighting fast with awesome service (plus check out all the cool film not available here in the USA).
No sooner did the box arrive, I had that Hello Kitty film loaded to shoot Polaroid Portraits of the kind studio folk. No problems shooting Instax Mini in the Polaroid 300.

Who says Monday has to be a bummer!
The Film Photography Podcast Polaroid Photographic Supply Japan Exposures