The film stock in question was Kodachrome 64 (110 format), expired in May 1988 and purchased from e-bay. E-bay seller promised film was properly stored. I never say it, but I’m gonna have to…impossible that it was properly stored.
Images shot 2/20/2010 on the same roll of 5/88 expired Kodachrome.
Shot at Chainsaw Kiss film benefit @ The Clash Bar in New Jersey.
w/ the JC Penny “11” 110 Camera and MagiCube Flash.

Don't know why this particular frame yielded a blue-magenta cast (while other shots from the same roll varied)

Don't know why this particular frame yielded a color-less cast (while other shots from the same roll varied. My guess is that the film emulsion sensed that a vampire and werewolf were being photographed)

The most normal-looking (sort-of) exposure while certainly the subject matter is far from normal.

Too creeped out to guess why "666" appears in the middle of the frame (instead of the image that I shot).
I will admit, it is very rare that I encounter such a horribly stored roll of film. Luck of the draw.
For comparison, here is a shot taken with my Canon FTb
On the same evening using Kodachrome 64 that expired 8/1992

Shattered that the images from the 1988 film look so aweful. Don’t lose faith in expired film. Here is a shot taken with Kodachrome 25 with an expiration date of 06/1985 (shot in 2009)